What is an E-max Veneer?
One of the biggest problems in porcelain coatings that have been applied for years is the metal core infrastructure used to strengthen the material. Metal alloys absorb light and reflect less. As a result, the porcelain crown is totally affected by light reflectance and thus its aesthetic properties are negatively affected. This type of coating, which uses unqualified metal in the mouth for many years, creates darkening of the gingiva and a grayish appearance. They cannot meet aesthetic needs in today’s conditions. The core infrastructure, called e-max, is a kind of reinforced porcelain material. It provides excellent crown coating with light reflection properties without metal support on the front teeth. E-max crowns prepared under appropriate conditions can serve the individual for many years.
E-max veneers are porcelain with increased durability which, without the use of metal substructure, made from glass ceramics fired on ceramic cores which are pressed together under pressure. It consists entirely of ceramic. They can also be called full porcelain teeth. Also, because of its light permeability and not consisting of any metal, it is one of the most aesthetic materials used in prosthetic applications in dentistry. Therefore, e-max material is often preferred in laminate restorations.
Which teeth can E-max Veneers be used for?
E-max veneers give the best results in frontal teeth where aesthetic concerns stand out. Since the light permeability is perfect, it is a natural aesthetic and long lasting solution. Another application area is on the small molar teeth, which appear in the mouth and are not subjected to excessive force. For both of these teeth, the most appropriate solution are e-max veneers.
- Colored teeth; Another application area is colored teeth. (Fluorosis, devitalization or age-related colorings.)
- Teeth which had a change in color because of a root canal treatment and which color cannot be whitened.
- Teeth with Diastema (to close the gap between teeth)
- Malformed teeth (to regenerate the form of the deformed teeth)
- Teeth with enamel defects (defects or deformations in the protective layer of the tooth, such as enamel hypoplasia)
- Malposed teeth (teeth with incorrect alignment and position)
- Teeth which went through many restorations and need to be adjusted aesthetically.
- Teeth which are eroded or deformed, which we call attrition, erosion or abrasion.
Why do zirconium / e-max veneers have a better aesthetic appearance than metal-supported porcelain ones?
The base of the porcelain crown / bridge prosthesis is composed of a gray metal alloy. This metal supported porcelain crown / bridge prostheses create a gray reflection in the gingival region, especially when applied to the anterior region teeth. So, the gum looks grayed out. The reason for this appearance is that the metal alloy in the substructure of porcelain crowns dissolves in the gum region over time. In addition, the light transmittance of the porcelain is reduced due to the fact that the substrate is metal, and these restorations (crowns) appear in a dull matt color. Due to these aesthetic problems, the use of zirconium / e-max crown / bridge prostheses has increased in recent years. In full porcelain prostheses, crowns can be made entirely of porcelain material without a base, or can be made using a white colored base. In addition,
How to decide which porcelain system to apply?
Detailed clinical and radiological examinations of the patient are performed and the most appropriate material selection is followed by aesthetic applications.
Advantages of E-max Veneers
- The main advantage of this application is that no metal is used. In particular, it is used for patients with allergy to metal.
- Thanks to color control, it provides a natural look. There is no matt appearance due to its light transmission.
- It give aesthetically high quality results. (Because the color and surface structure of e-max veneers, which have natural fluorescence properties, can be controlled, the results are aesthetic and natural.)
- E-max veneers are more conservative than other types of crowns.
- Accumulation on the surface of e-max veneers with a good varnish is much less compared to other veneers. Thanks to this feature, it is also extremely healthy at a periodontal angle.
- It does not damage the tooth structure. The ingredients are among the most compatible structures with the tooth.
- It is extremely resistant to abrasion.
- Fluid absorption is very low compared to its alternatives.
- Color options are quite high.
- Minimizes tooth sensitivity.
- The outer structure is slippery and smooth. Slippery surface virtually prevents tartar formation. This prevents the occurrence of gum disorders.
- Just like the other organs in our body, our teeth are worn down over time, and we experience a change in shape and color. In dentistry, the concept of vertical dimension (the section between the jaw and the nose) starts to decrease with age. Correspondingly, the teeth start to wear and deteriorate in color. As a result, teeth start to lose their vitality. In these cases, the vertical dimension is increased thanks to e-max dental veneers, so that the ideal size is restored. In this respect again, the deformation and color change in the teeth are also corrected. After the process, the younger looking person, gets a dynamic smile as well.
Together with the transparently substructured zirconium veneers, e-max veneers are considered the most aesthetic veneers of today’s technology.
How is oral care of crown / bridge prostheses performed?
Routine maintenance of fixed dentures should be done using toothbrush and toothpaste as in natural teeth. Interfaces of dentures should be cleaned using superfloss floss and interface brush. Annual routine dentist check should not be interrupted.
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